Fuzzy Succulents

Fuzzy, Velvety, Felted, & Woolly Varieties

68 products

68 products

  • Senecio haworthii - Woolly Senecio - Cocoon Plant (now Caputia tomentosa)

    Senecio haworthii - Woolly Senecio

  • Crassula rogersii

    Crassula rogersii

  • Plectranthus amboinicus - Cuban Oregano, Comfort Plant

    Plectranthus amboinicus - Comfort Plant, Cuban Oregano

  • Sempervivum 'Director Jacobs' - April

    Sempervivum 'Director Jacobs'

  • Cotyledon tomentosa ssp. tomentosa - Bear's Paw

    Cotyledon tomentosa - Bear's Paw

  • Mammillaria bocasana - Powder Puff Cactus - Blooms

    Mammillaria bocasana - Powder Puff Cactus

  • Sempervivum 'Quintessence' - February

    Sempervivum 'Quintessence'

  • Echeveria setosa var. minor

    Echeveria setosa var. minor

  • Echeveria harmsii 'Ruby Slippers'

    Echeveria harmsii 'Ruby Slippers'

    $4.49 MSRP: $5.49
  • Crassula 'Variegated Money Maker' - March

    Crassula 'Variegated Money Maker'

    $4.49 MSRP: $6.49
  • Chick Charms® Powdered Pastry™ - May

    Chick Charms® Powdered Pastry™

  • Kalanchoe tomentosa - Panda Plant (Detail)

    Kalanchoe tomentosa - Panda Plant

  • Sempervivum 'Rosa Madchen' - April

    Sempervivum 'Rosa Madchen'

  • Sempervivum 'Pacific Trails' - May

    Sempervivum 'Pacific Trails'

  • Sempervivum 'Prilly's'

    Sempervivum 'Prilly's' [exclusive]

  • Plectranthus tomentosa - Vicks Plant

    Plectranthus tomentosa - Vicks Plant

  • Mammillaria bocasana - Powder Puff Cactus [large]

  • Cotyledon tomentosa - Variegated Bear's Paw

    Cotyledon tomentosa - Variegated Bear's Paw

  • Sempervivum ciliosum subsp. ciliosum (borisii) - March

    Sempervivum ciliosum (borisii)

  • Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Teddy Bear'

    Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Teddy Bear'

  • Kalanchoe eriophylla - Snow White Panda Plant

    Kalanchoe eriophylla - Snow White Panda Plant [large]

    $9.49 MSRP: $11.49
  • Sempervivum 'Lemon Babies' - January

    Sempervivum 'Lemon Babies'

  • Senecio scaposus (now Caputia scaposa)

    Senecio scaposus

  • Kalanchoe eriophylla - Snow White Panda Plant

    Kalanchoe eriophylla - Snow White Panda Plant

    $5.49 MSRP: $7.49
  • 5 of 4234
Sempervivum 'Zilver Slipper' - June

    Sempervivum 'Zilver Slipper'

  • Sempervivum 'Zilver Crows' - April

    Sempervivum 'Zilver Crows'

  • Mammillaria plumosa - Feather Cactus

    Mammillaria plumosa - Feather Cactus [large]

  • Echeveria setosa - May

    Echeveria setosa

  • Sempervivum 'Cherry Frost' - February

    Sempervivum 'Cherry Frost'

  • Mammillaria halbingeri

    Mammillaria halbingeri

    $7.49 MSRP: $9.49
  • Espostoa melanostele - Peruvian Old Lady

    Espostoa melanostele - Peruvian Old Lady Cactus [large]

  • Echinopsis subdenudata 'Dominos' [large]

  • Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier'

    Kalanchoe tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier'

  • Sempervivum 'Icicle' (Mature) - May

    Sempervivum 'Icicle'

  • Fuzzy Succulent Set of 4 Types - 2in Pots w/ ID

    Fuzzy Succulent Set of 4 Types - 2in Pots w/ ID

  • Tillandsia tectorum 'Ecuador'

    Air Plant - Tillandsia tectorum 'Ecuador' [3.0"]


Showing 36 of 68 products