Hanging & Trailing Succulents

Hanging, Trailing, Spilling, Cascading

27 products

27 products

  • Senecio rowleyanus (now Curio rowleyanus) - String of Pearls

    Senecio rowleyanus - String of Pearls

  • Ceropegia woodii f. variegata - Variegated String of Hearts

    Ceropegia woodii f. variegata - Variegated String of Hearts [large] [limited]

  • Sedum burrito

    Sedum burrito

  • Sedum dasyphyllum 'Himalayan Skies'

    Sedum dasyphyllum 'Himalayan Skies'

  • Sedum clavatum

    Sedum clavatum

  • Ceropegia woodii - String of Hearts

    Ceropegia woodii - String of Hearts [large] [limited]

  • Senecio herreanus (now Curio herreanus) - String of Watermelons

    Senecio herreanus - String of Watermelons [large]

  • Crassula perforata f. variegata - Winter

    Crassula perforata f. variegata - Variegated String of Buttons

  • Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' - April

    Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'

  • Sedum rupestre 'Silver'

    Sedum rupestre 'Silver'

  • Senecio radicans (now Curio radicans) - String of Bananas

    Senecio radicans - String of Bananas

  • Senecio peregrinus or x Bacurio delphinatifolius - String of Dolphins

    Senecio peregrinus - String of Dolphins [large]

  • Sedum hybridum 'Immergrünchen'

    Sedum hybridum 'Immergrünchen'

  • Graptopetalum paraguayense - Ghost Plant - August

    Graptopetalum paraguayense - Ghost Plant

  • Graptopetalum paraguayense - Ghost Plant [large]

  • Sedum oaxacanum

    Sedum oaxacanum - Oaxacan Stonecrop

  • Senecio herreanus (now Curio herreanus) - String of Tears, String of Beads, or String of Raindrops

    Senecio herreanus - String of Tears [large]

  • Sedum sediforme 'Turquoise Tails' - July

    Sedum sediforme 'Turquoise Tails'

  • Plectranthus neochilus variegatus - Lobster Flower

    Plectranthus neochilus variegatus - Lobster Flower

  • Trailing & Strings Succulent 12-Pack

    Trailing & Strings Succulent Pack (6-24 Plants, 2" Pots)

  • Othonna capensis 'Ruby Necklace' [large]

  • Crassula pellucida f. variegata - Calico Kitten - January

    Crassula pellucida f. variegata - Calico Kitten [large]

  • Senecio radicans (now Curio radicans) - String of Bananas

    Senecio radicans - String of Bananas [large]

  • Curio radicans 'Glauca' - Blue Pickle Vine

    Senecio radicans 'Glauca' - Blue Pickle Vine

  • Sedum lucidum 'Obesum'

    Sedum lucidum 'Obesum'

  • Senecio radicans 'Glauca' - Blue Pickle Vine [large]

  • Plectranthus neochilus - Lobster Flower

    Plectranthus neochilus - Lobster Flower
