Shade Succulents have adapted to survive in conditions where there isn't a lot of light to go around. The myriad green tones of these chlorophyll-rich plants are pleasing to the eye and this list contains some of the easiest plants to grow!
Plants in this list tend to do everything slowly, from getting bigger to making flowers. Because of this, they don’t tend to need a lot of resources to be happy. Light is one of these resources they don’t need a lot of but water is another. Be very careful not to overwater these plants!
Many of these plants go dormant during the summer time. They stop growing all together and require no resources. During this time, they make great conversation starters on coffee tables even if those tables are in the center of a room. However, they are very prone to overwatering during this time.
The Plants
Haworthia makes up the bulk of this list. These adorable plants grow natively in South Africa. They tend to hide most of themselves underground with only their windowed leaf tips emerging from the surface. These windows allow light to pass into the deeper parts of the tissues where photosynthesis happens.
Gasteria are similar to Haworthia, but these plants tend to grow longer leaves which look like tongues. The produce beautiful orange flowers every year and add a lot of interest to a garden.
The mysterious air plants known as Tillandsia also find their way to this list. These plants take up water from the air and don’t need to rely on roots for water. Their flowers are gorgeous but, unfortunately, they're monocarpic, meaning they only flower once in their whole lives.