Product Details
Ghost Plant (Graptopetalum paraguayense, Mother of Pearl Plant) (Walther): An elegant plant and a forgiving grower. It is one of the most widely cultivated succulents and has been popular for over a century because it is incredibly easy to grow and shows a wide range of pastel tones. It blushes pink, purple, and yellow in full sun and shows more blues, greens, and silvers in partial shade. Direct sun also causes its powdery coating of farina to thicken, adding to the soft, frosty appearance.
Each tight rosette of flat, pointed leaves can reach up to 6.0" in diameter. The stems grow long and branch, eventually spilling out of containers, but it also takes well to regular pruning. This is one of the easiest succulents to propagate and a great place for beginners to start. It can quickly re-root from a stem cutting or mature leaf. You'll soon end up with more Ghost Plants than you know what to do with! (How to Propagate Succulents).
This species epithet is a misnomer, as the species is not native to Paraguay but to Mexico. It likely originated in the Chihuahuan Desert, but no one has yet to re-discovered it in the wild. It can bloom in spring or summer with star-shaped, white flowers speckled with red.
Ghost Plant is a very forgiving grower, needing only bright sun, occasional water, and protection from deep frosts. It can overwinter well indoors if kept near a sunny window or under a grow light. Ensure it has well-draining pots and soil and that you only water when the soil is dry.
Product Size
2.0" Pot
Current Primary Color
All Seasonal Colors
Silver, Pink
Bloom Color
White Bloom
Grow Zone (Hardiness)
Zone 10 (30F)
Recommended Light Conditions
Bright Indoor Light, Full Sun
Maximum Height
Maximum Rosette Size
Growth Habit / Shape
Hanging / Trailing, Rosette
Special Characteristic
Easy to Propagate, Lots of Offsets, Hard to Kill, Pet Safe